JADPRO Insight Forum Logo

The Insight Forum is a multiday meeting where Harborside hosts approximately 100 advanced practitioners to participate in interactive forums. Discussions are based on clinical research presented at several recent oncology and hematology conferences, along with various topics specific to the advanced practice community.

JADPRO Insight Forum

The Insight Forum is a multiday meeting where Harborside hosts approximately 100 members of the Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology to participate in interactive forums. Discussions are based on clinical research presented at several recent oncology and hematology conferences, along with various topics specific to the advanced practice community.

This information enables APSHO members to improve patient care, increase practice efficiency, and educate their colleagues. Additionally, the JADPRO Insight Forum also creates an opportunity for APSHO members to network and share best practices with their colleagues from around the country.



During the course of these Insight Forum meetings, representatives from industry will have opportunities to interact with forum participants. Industry partners will also be able to support a variety of engagement opportunities, such as promotional speaker programs, exhibits, market research, and advisory sessions.

For partnership opportunities, contact Jessica Tamasi at 609-853-0115 or email jtamasi@hbside.com.

Sales Team


Jessica Tamasi
Senior Manager of Sponsorships, Conferences & Exhibits

